Syroco provides a software platform based on artificial intelligence, dedicated to weather routing and optimisation of vessel settings. It reduces the fuel consumption of merchant ships by more than 10% on
average and up to 25% in certain situations. Hoppe Marine provides sophisticated sensor technology and cloud-based data acquisition and integration for seamless and scalable integration of vessel data, delivering seamless API access to operational data.
Used together, the solutions from the two companies will help joint customers to improve the effectiveness of energy optimisation and emissions reduction strategies. The high-quality sensor data collected and managed by Hoppe’s Performance Monitoring Platform is fed in real time in the cloud to the Syroco Live platform. Getting access to this data enables the Syroco solution to deliver a higher degree of accuracy in realtime simulations and optimisation, resulting in more precise routes and voyage optimisation parameters being provided to the vessel’s crew.
In addition, Syroco Live leverages voyage historical data from sensors, provided by the Hoppe platform, to recalibrate the vessel twin as often as needed. This guarantees that Syroco’s digital twin remains the most accurate representation of the vessel’s actual behaviour. This recalibration avoids model drift that typically occurs with fouling and engine performance degradation that build up over time, even if it’s minor and difficult to perceive. In addition, for vessels whose loading conditions vary greatly from one cargo to another, model recalibration ensures that the digital twin always remains consistent with actual vessel configuration.
Alex Caizergues, President and Co-founder of Syroco, said: “At Syroco, we know how critical data can be for accurate simulations, and we place a premium on high-quality and real time access to operational vessel data. The partnership with Hoppe Marine ensures that our platform gets reliable and consistent data feeds that greatly contribute to the accuracy of the digital twins and to the relevance of the recommendations the platform provides to crews.”
Uwe Altenbach, Sales Manager Performance Monitoring and Digital Solutions at Hoppe Marine, added: “We understand that high-quality sensor data is essential for optimising and automating ships, reducing
crew workload, and meeting greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Weather routing holds great potential for achieving fuel savings and ensuring a safe voyage and we are proud to collaborate with Syroco, a recognised leader in weather routing and voyage optimisation, to deliver measurable results for our shared customers.”